Thursday, November 3, 2011

2 months!!

Miss Carleen is 2 month now! Needless to say she is getting more and more interesting everyday! JD and sister love to make noises at each other when they lay on the blanket on the floor. I am sure they are having a conversation that is very important, but whatever they are talking about it sure is cute!

Some Fun things Carleen is doing now:
-Weights 11.2 lbs
-Drinking 4 ounces of Formula at every feeding!
-Makes cooing noised all the time!
-Smiles and laughs
-Recognizes people's voices
-Sleeps from about 11:00pm to 5:00am (most nights)
-Has found her hand an occasionally sticks the ENTIRE hand in her mouth.
-Went trick or treating, well she road in her stroller!

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