So we realized that since we have been working so hard to get Angie's Photography stuff started and Seth a job and back in school and Angie's health back in order our family blog has really been seriously neglected...Not anymore! Here we go with a FULL update!
May 1st came and JD turned 3 months old and we took this really cute picture of him! Of course by this point JD is a pro photo taker... he might as well grow up and be a model...but we are pretty sure he is gonna do something way cooler!

We also realized about the day after he turned 3 months old he no longer fit in Auntie Liz's Boston Hat....

...He hasn't really grown into it either though...

JD Loves to take Showers in the tub that Grandpa Johnny bought him...I don't think he really likes that the whole world is looking at him in it though...

JD also discovered the pool and realized that he likes to play with the water, but he isn't all to interested in being all the way in the water yet!

The swing! Oh the Swing!! JD LOVES his swing!! Mommy and Daddy love that JD loves his swing! JD will sometimes spend hours just sitting in there looking at his mirror or watching the is the most wonderful thing ever!!

Lexa has kept bringing her toys to JD hoping he would play with May there was no such luck he was still to little!

JUNE 2009!
June 1st came and JD turned 4 months old! He is getting bigger, he rolls around now and giggles and laughs all the time!! He loves to sit up now and chews on his hand as much as he can!

Angie is working really hard to get her photography business on its feet, with her blog in full swing ( check it out) she is working on getting some clients so she can earn the $200.00 she needs to get the website she needs!! So if you know anyone who needs or wants pictures done pass along Angie's number and blog address! She does it all and she does it WELL!!
Oh and in case you hadn't heard...Angie cut her hair short! Shorter then she wanted it really...but you know what they say... The only difference between a good hair cut and a bad hair cut is about 2 weeks! :)

Seth is going back to school starting June 15th! He is going to Wyotech in Fremont to become and Diesel Mechanic with an estimated graduation date of sometime in June. He is going to school from 5pm-10pm so he is still looking for work durning the day either in the valley or the bay area so if you know of any let us know!

Generally we are a pretty happy little family! We are going through a pretty hard spot right now with no work and Angie's health a little unpredicatble but we are pulling through! Thanks to everyone for all the love and support!

Of course JD thinks that right now all Waving goodbye should be done with our feet cause...well...he can! We promise to be better at blogging as we will be blogging mommy's photo blog more and will remember to do this one too! Till then bye bye!