Monday, April 16, 2012

Temple Trip

After church this Sunday we decided to head up to the Oakland temple and walk around, take in the scenery and just relax a little. It was an awesome way to end our Sunday and we even took a few pictures

St. Patricks Day

This year I decided that we should really get into St. Patrick's day since now JD kinda understands holidays. So we went all out, Green everything for breakfast! (Eggs and Pancakes)

Everyone loved the experience but let me tell you green eggs are kinda weird...they tasted good but visually defiantly effects things!

6 MONTHS!!!!

A half a year has passed since my little baby girl was brought into this world and let me tell you, time has flown buy! No official pictures were taken since things were so crazy around the house but I think the picture I did get says it all about how wonderful she is!

Some fun things Carleen can do:
~Walk around in her walker, all over the house!
~Roll REALLY well!
~Eats Level two baby food (she didn't like the #1 food at all!)
~eats crackers and bread and other such soft things!
~Wears her hair in a pony tail so that it isn't in her eyes
~Talk non stop to anyone who will listen
~Grabs earrings and necklaces
~Found and LOVES her toes!

Matress Sufing!!

It was time to move the house around AGAIN! (since I cant seem to like it any one way for more then a couple months) So the bed was leaned against the wall waiting to be moved into the other room while we were moving some things around. Sometimes my son is to smart for his own good because he saw the mattress and thought "OH A SLIDE!!" I walk in the room to find this!!

Rainy Days!!

Living in an apartment there is not anywhere to play, especially on a rainy day! So just to have some fun JD was loaded up in some clothes that were alright to get wet and then went out to jump in puddles!!

When it finally got to cold to play anymore it was time to head inside for a warm bath and then warm PJ's!!

5 months!!

I can't believe that it has already been 5 months! There weren't any special pictures taken this month so they are just normal everyday pictures!

Sometimes we let brother (JD) chose what sister should wear, and sometimes it is interesting!

Carleen also loves her brother a TON she is always laughing at him and would be more than happy just to play with him (since he will bring her almost anything she wants)

Some fun things Carleen can do now!
~Hair in the back of her head is finally growing back so she doesn't look so silly!
~She LOVES to chew on stuffed animals.
~The Binki is kinda getting old but the fingers are Awesome!

Third Times A Charm!

With a few twists and turns JD had an awesome 3rd birthday! We ended up at a Park in Saratoga were we had a bounce house and lunch!

Of course with turning 3 JD's really started to show his personality!! This was his official 3 year old picture!

There was a lot of fun had by everyone, and thanks to Sabrina there were even some pictures! (For some reason I didn't have even one camera, strange I know!)

There isn't anything better at a Birthday Party then bouncing around then hanging out for a rest!

There was a chance to BBQ so of course Seth was behind the BBQ cooking it up! (We cant have BBQ's at my apartments so it just sits in storage most the time)

The original plan was to have a Lightening McQueen pinata but even with a TON of candy and toys we couldn't even fill it half way, then we got a much smaller one and we had sooo much stuff that we had to fill all the pointy parts too!

It was so full that the kids couldn't break it open after MANY tries! So we called in the Big Gun, Uncle Sam, to smash it apart!!

JD had been asking for his Happy Birthday Cake since Christmas and this was the cake he wanted!Lighting the candles and time to sing!!

Time to blow them out!! ( I know this is really gross but oh well!)

With LOTS of help from friends no present was left behind!!

It was a beautiful day and I don't think it could have been any better than being with family and friends out in the sun!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

4 months and growing...

Miss Carleen reached her her 4 month marker on the 3rd and when I took a minute to stop and look at things she has changed so much! So here are a few things about our little princess!

Some fun things about Carleen:
Now really fitting into her 3 month clothes and working into 3-6 months!
JUST changed diaper sizes to a 3!
Has some pretty crazy curls in her hair.
Sucks on her two fingers ALL the time, sometimes her whole hand.
Started blowing bubbles.
Thinks it hilarious when she poops or spits up...
Has the worst gas EVER, sometimes its like a machine gun! (I'm sure she will appreciate me saying that later)
Eats apple sauce and Rice Cereal
Started playing with Teething toys and holding things
LOVES to sit in her new Bumbo seat!

Most everyone loves Miss Carleen, she is bunch of fun and always seems to be able to make people smile!