Ever since I (Angie) was little the family always went to cut down a fresh Christmas tree. Of course this tradition took a little break as we all grew up and started having families of our own. Until this year! Both of my brothers and all of our families drove up the hill and went to the tree farm that we always went to. We went down the hill looking for the perfect tree.

Carleen hitched a ride with daddy in her pack and JD walked most of the way catching a ride with mom or dad when the hill got to be too much for him.

The Tree critics are very hard to please .

Time to cut down the tree! Gigi Decided to help uncle Joe get the tree sawed down!

Uncle Mike Carried the tree all the way back up the hill all by himself, it looked like a giant tree with legs cause you couldn't see Mike at all!

With the tree trimmed (VERY close to the trunk) down it is ready to get onto the stand which JD is an EXPERT at so he helped papa and Uncle Mike.

Carleen found that hanging out with Cousin Gigi was WAY more her speed then putting trees into stands!

Now it's time to get the tree in the stand and straight! A little more to the right I think...

Of course when you see Papa Johnny you almost ALWAYS get ice cream too! Gigi made out with a Giant Berry Sunday!

Which she was more then happy to share with her Cousin!
In the end Grandma had a fresh tree with its lights and most of the decorations on it and everyone in the family was all in one place!
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