July 2009...
Packed our little family up and made the move to Fremont to become Resident Managers!! 2 bedroom 1 bathroom attached to the office and only a few miles away from Seth's school!!
August 2009...
Welcome to life as an on-site Manager...NOT what we thought it was going to be!! Life was definitely busy with work and home and finding a sitter for JD was not easy... Other than JD nothing else big was going on really...
September 2009...
Off to Vegas!! Not really a social call as much as we were on a mission! Caraline was being Blessed and we weren't going to miss it!! Of course there was a little sight seeing... Seth's Grandfather took us to see a few Casino's and then we were back on the road again...

JD's first Halloween!! He was a Giraffe and he made loot at both Trunk or Treat at church and when he went around the apartment complex! Not to mention we went to the pumpkin patch for the first time!! It was a blast picking out pumpkins!!

We also lost Seth's Grandmother... I am sure that Seth would do a much better job at telling you how wonderful she was and how many great things she accomplished, since I only had the pleasure for only a few years... What I can tell you is this... She will always live on through her many children, grandchildren, and the many generations that will come. It is through them that they will pass the loving spirit that she shared with us, the unconditional love for each of us and the warmth that she showed for each and every person who stepped foot through her door.

November 2009...
Little Brother Joe turned... 22...I dunno OLD! We also went to a single's ward event that entailed racing cars that we made out of potato's... Yep! Of course there was Thanksgiving which was Gluten Free at the Camacho house (trust me if you have never done it is it HARD my mom and dad work their butts off to make me feel normal on the holidays!)
Brandon (Seth’s Cousin) was sealed to Toni in the Oakland Temple on Thanksgiving weekend which of course was AMAZING!! I don’t even have words to describe it so I will just put up some pictures and you can see how wonderful they looked!

December 2009...
Birthday Time for me! JD's first Christmas!!!! Of course he didn't really know what was going on... I am sure that as they get older Christmas's get more fun... but it was still kinda fun!

Gary and Tasha were sealed in the Sacramento Temple on New Years Eve!! I would post all the pictures here but that would make this post (which is already Crazy long) even longer... So I think I will post that in it's own little Post! It is a special event and it deserves that! (That way I know you are all coming back later too!!)

January 2010...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Setting New Year’s resolutions are always a tricky thing... so I didn't this year!! I was inspired by a friend, so I set a GOAL to take a picture every day and then journal about it! This of course didn’t start on the first but it started in January so we will get close to a full years worth of picture out of it!
Getting really close to JD's first birthday and we have a date set but nothing really planned... Work was really busy so it was hard to keep anything straight! We had JD's birthday party (planned VERY last minute) at Round Table Pizza on the 30th! Auntie Liz made him a Cars cake and it was fun!! He got an awesome John Deer ATV which sings REALLY annoying songs from my parents and a book and that plays REALLY annoying music from Seth's parents... but hey, what are grandparents for right!! :)

February 2010...
1 YEAR OLD!!! I don't really think that any parent is ever ready for there kids to grow up but they do!!

Right after JD’s birthday comes Trek’s and for that day we were off to the SNOW!! JD spent the day with Grandpa and Grandma Hansen but Trek, Me, Seth, and Brandon had a good time!

February also brought Valentines Day and Seth and JD got me flowers and a Card and my NEW Camera!! Of course Seth let JD help in picking out the card, JD is REALLY good at letting you know what he thinks by pointing and saying "Dat, Dat" So JD picked out a card with a Donkey involved... it was a cute card and it was funny!!
March 2010...
WELCOME BACK!! We are now back to present day!! So far this month (and trust me it has been CRAZY) we have had Seth's birthday, I am 2/3 done with my property management classes, Seth and Trek finished the trailer project, and I am finally better from my battle with the evil Gluten!!

As for me, I had a battle with Gluten for about a week and then the flu attacked... I was out of service for quite some time... But now I am back in action and ready to go!!
Looks to Me like you are all caught up with us now, so I will let you get about you merry way! I will keep you better updated from now on! So, ya'all come back now!

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